+34 636298063


Some of the people TRADEURO has interpreted simultaneously /consecutively:

Dr. Benoit & Dr. Chaoui
Advanced Course in Fetal US

Prof. Kypros Nicolaides
Fetal Medicine Foundation

Peter Tscherkassky

Chiara Mastroianni & Lisandro Alonso

CB Bowman

Guy Standing

Jessica Lang

Robert McKee

Kevin Spacey

Sidney Brenner

Vandana Shiva

Martin Cooper

Tim Lenton

Jesús Calleja

Arthur Miller

Banki Moon

Anthony Giddens

Rolf Heuer

Edurne Pasaban

Ferrán Adriá

Jody Williams

Paco Roncero

Paul Auster

Susan Sontag

Woody Allen

Apostolos Tzitzikostas

List of some of our clients

List of all our projects upon request

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